LABA-LABA : to chat, gab; gossip.

LABRISH : gossip, chit-chat.
LAMBSBREAD : a form of high-quality marijuana (1)
LARGE : respected (6)
LEGGO BEAS' : wild, disorderly, like a let-go beast. (5)
LICKY-LICKY : fawning, flattering, obsequious. (5)
LILLY BIT : little bit, tiny. (5)
LION : a righteous Dread (1) a great soul (2)
LITTLE MORE : see you later (2)
(TOO) LIKKY-LIKKY : title given to those who like to eat any food they
encounter , without discretion (6)


















MAAMA MAN : a gay person, an effeminate man, a weakling

MACA : thorn, prickle.

MADDA : mother

MAFIA : big-time criminals

MAGA DOG : mongrel

MAGA : thin (from meagre)

MANACLES : chains

MARINA : a man's undershirt, guernsey; a tank-top style.

MAROON : n. free black warrior-communities which successfully resisted British hegemony during eighteenth century and early nineteenth century. From Spanish cimmaron-untamed, wild

MASCOT : denoting inferior status

MASH IT UP : a huge success

MASH UP, MASH DOWN : destroy

MAAS : n. from master or massa. Now freed from its class origin; a respectful form of address to an older man.

MASSIVE : respected (6), used with LARGE to add emphasis

MENELIK, RAS : n. Ethiopian nobleman who rallied his troops to resist Italian aggression. Defeated Italians at Adowa 1896

MONKS : amongst.

MONTELL : The male version of a sketell, gigolo

MORE TIME : see you later

MR. T : the boss

MUS MUS : a rat

MY BABY MOTHER /FATHER : the mother/father of my child

MYAL : n. a form of benign magic oposed to Obeah, hence myalman. From Hursa maye-wizard, person of mystic


















NAGAH : n. pejorative for a black person

NAGO : n. Yoruba person, practice or language. From Ewe anago-Yoruba person

NAH : adv. will not. Emphatic as in "Me nah do that"

NANA : midwife; nanny or nurse.

NASH : female genatalia

NATTY, NATTY DREAD, NATTY CONGO : 1. dreadlocks 2. a person with dreadlocks

NAZARITE : Ancient Hebrew meaning to "separate", consecrated, set apart by choice and devotion


1. "death to all black and white oppressors"

2. East African warriors who resisted colonial domination

3. large Rastafarian meeting and spiritual gathering

4. referring to orthodox, traditional Rastas

5. a variety of drumming

NIYAMEN : name for Rastas referring to Niyabinghi warriors of East Africa

NO KYA : no matter, as in "no kya weh im tun", no matter where he turns.

NO TRUE ? : isn't it so?

NUH : interrogative at end of sentence; literally, "Is it not so?"

NYAM : to eat.

(TOO) NYAMI-NYAMI : title given to those who like to eat any food they encounter, without discretion

NYING'I-NYING'I : nagging, whining.















O-DOKONO : boiled maize bread.

OBEAH : traditional African "science", relating to matters of the spirit and spirits, spells, divinations, omens,
extra-sensory knowledge, etc.

OHT FI : about to, on the verge of, as in "it oht firain", it is about to rain, it looks like rain.

ONE LOVE : a parting phrase, expression of unity

ONE-ONE : adjective, one by one, thus any small amount.

ONGLE : only.

















PAKI : calabash, gourd.

PAPAA : pawpaw, or papaya melon.

PATU : owl.

PAYAKA : heathen

PYAKA : tricky or dishonest.

PEEL-HEAD : bald-headed, usually certain chickens or vultures.

PEENYWALLY : a kind of large fire fly, actually a type of flyig beetle.

PEER : avocado pear.

PICKY, PICKY HEAD : brush haircut.


1. finicky or choosy

2. Used of uncombed hair just starting to turn into dreadlocks.

PIKNY : pickaninny, child.

PINDA : peanut.

PIRA : a low wooden stool.

PITY-ME-LIKL : a type of very tiny red ant whose bite is so hot and long-lasting it resembles a sting.

POCOMANIA, POCO : christian revival, distinct drum rhythm

POLYTRICKS : politics (by Peter Tosh)

POLYTRICKSTERS : politicians (by Peter Tosh)

POPPY-SHOW : from puppet show, it is used in the idiom, tek smadi mek poppy-show, which means to make fun of someone or shame them, making them look ridiculous.

PUM-PUM : a woman's genitals

PUNAANI or PUNNI : a woman's genitals

PUPPALICK : somersalt.

PUTTIN' AWAY : a preposition, meaning "except for", or "except".

PYAA-PYAA : sickly, weak; feeble, of no account.

PYU : from spew; verb used of running sores or anything similarly dripping or oozing.
















QUASHIE : n. peasant, country bumpkin, coarse and stupid person; racial pejorative generic term for blacks; originally Twi name of a boy born on a Sunday


1. nouns (from squips) a tiny piece or amount.

2. verb, the Jamaican art of washing clothes making a "squips-squips" sound.